
Posts Tagged ‘website’

Gnu Writer Speaks: The Website (gulp)

Even though I have had web sites for previous businesses, this one had to be different.  My previous sites were informational only.  This one would not only show off my wares, but give buyers an expedient, ‘one click’ method to purchase.  And, it also needed to provide ‘blogability’ to facilitate that ‘conversation’ dynamic discussed earlier. 

We selected WordPress ( as the platform and hired a freelancer to make it all work with my product, my text, my photos and a SmashWords connection.  This is it and I leave it to you to decide whether it is attractive, compelling, convenient and user friendly.  I like it.  A ‘buy’ click on the site takes the buyer to my publisher, SmashWords, for payment by PayPal or credit card and delivery of the purchased work in whatever format the buyer needs to read it on their computer or ereader.  No inventory.  Instant delivery.  Pretty slick, actually.  If you have any feedback for me, it would be appreciated.