
Archive for June, 2010

Hello world!

OK.  Here goes.  My first blog.  Until someone stumbles upon my blitherings, I am led to believe this is like practicing a speech in your room…alone.  Nonetheless, it will get me into the rhythm of this thing.

My thought ‘o the day: As the site ham fistedly establishes, I am a new writer.  Not new to writing as I am, after all, 72 years old, but new to writing stories for other peoples enjoyment.  It started on or about the first of Feb ’10 with the prodding and encouragement of my wife/muse, Barbara.  In four months I had spewed out six (6) novellas and a couple of non-fiction monographs.  Obviously, the focus on story telling tapped some sort of vein of pent up authorship I did not even know I had.  What a nice surprise!

Finally, the thought: I am currently working on an adventure story set in my home town of Cincinnati where I was born, raised, educated, married, raised kids…50 years altogether.  My problem is that I know too much about the town.  I realize the challenge is not what to put IN but what to leave OUT.  ’tis a conundrum.

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