
Posts Tagged ‘writing venues’

The Perfect Creative Venue

Ambiance: a special mood created by a particular environment.  Is there an optimum ambiance for writing?  Not in general but certainly per individual.  Famously, J.K. Rowling created Harry Potter in coffee shops, writing on their napkins if she ran out of paper.  Anne Dillard only functioned well in a frigid remote cabin.  Isak Dinesen wrote ‘Out of Africa’ in her lace-curtained home in Denmark, Willa Cather wrote of rural Nebraska while in NYC.  Inspirational locations are a strange alchemy.  I have no laptop so do no actual composition in libraries or Starbucks but do like to make written notes in waiting rooms or parking lots.  My composition happens at the desktop HP with a view of the front yard bird bath.  My fantasy view would be of San Francisco Bay.  But, maybe not.  The birds are awfully cute and frisky and, evidently, inspiring.