
Posts Tagged ‘bouncebacks’

Gnu Writer Speaks: It’s a Start

Picture a NY street scene.  Not 5th Ave.  A down market neighborhood with people talking on the stoops of brownstones and kids in the street playing stick ball.  It’s not your neighborhood but you keep showing up.  You don’t cause trouble and you may even throw the ball back into play if it rolls under a car near you.  You’re there and you get noticed.  Eventually, someone will make an opening remark that leads you into a conversation.  Before you know it, you’re part of the scene.

We have been told to hang out in the blogosphere and be patient.  Don’t do anything offensive and look for the opportunity to throw the ball back into play by posting a comment that is relevant and helpful.

I have been doing this for several months and, guess what?  Someone finally commented on my post and we had a short conversation.  She was in Alaska.  I am in Florida.  Does it matter?  Not in the least.  We had touched on a subject of mutual interest and rolled it around a little.  Nothing heavy.  The only significance is that the dialog has begun.  It’s a start.  Huzzah!